无冬之夜(Neverwinter Nights)完全作弊码:
在游戏中使用 (~) 键, 打入 "DebugMode 1" . 再使用 ~ 键并按 TAB 键.
出现功能窗口后继续使用 TAB 键,打入以下作弊码
Cheats: (case sensitive)(X is a number)
SetCHA X - Sets your Charisma
SetSTR X - Sets your Strength
SetINT X - Sets your Intelligence
SetWIS X - Sets your Wisdom
SetCON X - Sets your Constitution
dm_givegold X - Gives the X amount of gold to you
GetLevel X - Raises you an additional X amount of levels
dm_god - Makes you invulneralble (does not require you to click on the player character)
提示会出现 "success" 或者是 "Entered Target Mode". 你可以选择作弊的人物